He also emphasized property rights, suggesting that students should learn the 14th amendment the way they have to learn the pledge of allegiance. (The 14th amendment says no one shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process.)
Following him was Roger Williams of Texas Victory 2008, whose goal is to increase voter turnout and ensure Republican success in the general election. He criticized the media for declaring the GOP to be “dead” in 2008. “Reports of our demise are greatly exaggerated, he said.
Williams was followed by Congressman Joe Barton, who again criticized the Democrats in
Supreme Court Chief Justice Wallace Jefferson, and Justices Dale Wainwright and Phil Johnson followed, extolling the virtues of the rule of law, and emphasizing the duty of justices to interpret it and not write it anew.
Next came State Board of Education Vice Chairman David Bradley, flanked by fellow SBOE members Terri Leo and Gail Lowe. Bradley told frightening stories of school students who need calculators to find half of 24 and 4 times 3. He also took the opportunity to emphasize his belief in a Creator, rather than the belief that “our ancestors were apes.”
Ugh! Where to start! Every time Bradley opens his mouth, I'm offended. As a teacher, his COMPLETE lack of respect for educators is apalling!!!! If he would actually do his job as a SBOE member, and get out of his comfort zone (which is basically surrounded by his equally uninformed cronies, two of which were with him at this convention (Leo and Lowe), he might actually see what the true state of affairs is in Texas classrooms - the good, the bad and the ugly, but mostly the good. Every time we turn around, there's some new mandate we're supposed to follow, either from NCLB, or from the SBOE, but with no funding for support, since all the funds seem to find their way elsewhere. And, perchance, were he to stumble into a science classroom, he would find out that NO ONE with half a brain thinks we came from apes, but rather that early man was quite different than apes (skull placement, ligature markings, etc. show this) What he is referring to as "apes" are actually austalopithecens - EARLY MAN!!!!! I am glad that he affirmed his faith in God - that is one point we actually have in common. However, it is ridiculous to teach anything in a science classroom that has not been proven through scientific method. Had Mr. Bradley taken a break from all the ridiculousness that surrounded himself and his fellow cronies during the recent adoption of the new English Language Arts TEKS long enough to visit the Houston Museum of Natural Science exhibit, he would have had an opportunity to see Lucy, (I believe she is an austalopithecus afarensis), and would have been better educated in where man came from, once God was finished creating us. It sickens me that someone so narrow minded is helping to shape the education our children (mine included) will get. I have an idea for Mr. Bradley - take a break from all of the sanctimonius bilge and actually GET TO KNOW YOUR TRUE CONSTITUENTS - the students of Texas.
As a teacher of 33+ years, I do understand the frustration voiced by this teacher. However, she is venting her wrath at the wrong people. David Bradley, Terri Leo, and Gail Lowe were among seven State Board of Education members who have fought valiantly to make sure that the newly adopted -- 5.23.08 -- English / Language Arts / Reading standards (TEKS) will help students from this point on to be able to read Flying Pig's science textbook, discuss with coherence, and write decent lab reports! It is because of the whole language/holistic scoring/no attention to correct writing and speaking/multicultural literature instead of the traditional classics crowd (who call themselves the Coalition) that Flying Pig's students are doing so poorly in all of their classes. The ELAR standards over the last 10 years have been so dreadful that our students are losing the English language, and this incapacity to develop a strong foundation of core knowledge is dooming them and our entire state. Flying Pig should be the first in line to thank the conservatives on the SBOE who had the courage to take on the Coalition and win.
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