Friday, June 13, 2008

And now a word from RPT's convention sponsors

Since I blogged on the Democratic convention sponsors, it's only fair to mention the sponsors of the GOP convention. As I mentioned earlier, the utilties get high marks for bipartisanship. Texas Energy Futures and CenterPoint Energy sponsored both. Also, Verizon, A.T.&T. and Time Warner Cable sponsored both conventions as did Anheuser-Busch and Southwest Airlines and the Union Pacific Railroad. Sponsoring the GOP convention but not the Democratic convention were Lockheed Martin,, and Johnson and Johnson. The Texas Hospital Association sponsored both. The Association of Texas Professional Educators (ATPE) sponsored both conventions. (We are generally surprised when and teacher organization sponsors the GOP convention.) Wal-Mart only sponsored the GOP convention. (Would Wal-Mart have been welcome at the Democratic convention?) That's the sponsorship picture.

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